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The Villa-Lobos Effect: I stole this idea from a famous guitar composer

When you find yourself playing the same melody over and over - whether it's in an arrangement you're working on, or an original composition - you need to use creative variations to keep the melody fresh and interesting. 

In my latest arrangement of the Davy Jones Theme from Pirates of the Caribbean, I found myself in this exact...

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GUITAR PRO - MY FAVORITE PRACTICE TOOL (thanks to this 1 hidden feature!)

My favorite practice tool isn't just any old metronome. It's actually a feature within the Guitar Pro software that you probably don't even know exists!

In today's video, I walk you through this feature and why it's so game-changing to our practice.

Our focus is very delicate, and easily broken. But our practice is only as effective...

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The Ultimate Hammer-On Exercise

Download the Ultimate Hammer-On Exercise Tabs / Sheet Music

I have a fun video for you today... or at least I think it's fun. Maybe it's just embarrassing :)

The video is very tongue-in-cheek, but I wanted to share with you a really cool hammer-on exercise I composed - inspired by one of my old arrangements.

The exercise requires you to...

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How I Create Guitar Mashups - Seamlessly Blending 2 Different Songs


If you're ready to up your game as an arranger - you're gonna want to learn how to make your own mashups and medleys.

In a mashup - you take 2 or more different songs and find ways to creatively blend them into 1 cohesive arrangement.

Like I did recently with my Mandalorian / Force Theme mashup. Or one of my personal favorites - my Star...

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How To Play Fingerstyle Guitar Percussion

Download the Percussion Example Tabs / Sheet Music


I've been getting requests for this tutorial for months now, so I figured it was time to finally make it happen! In today's video, I'm showing you how to play the 3 most common fingerstyle percussion techniques:

The Wrist Thump...

The Thumb Hit On Strings...

And The Thumb Hit On...

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Forget Talent! THIS Is What Guitarists Really Need

Guess what?

I'm not that talented!

So if you're discouraged because you don't feel like you were born with some natural musical ability, I'm here to tell you that it's ok! That's not holding you back as much as you think it is.

Today, I'm going to share with you the only 2 things you need to worry about to see long-term continual and...

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5 Beautiful Chords To Spice Up Your Guitar Arrangements

Today, I'm going to show you 5 beautiful guitar chords to give you some ideas and inspiration to spice up your own guitar arrangements or compositions. Some of them I love simply because they're drop-dead gorgeous, and others I love because they work very well functionally - freeing my fingers up to still be able to play an...

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My 3-Step Formula For Effortless Guitar Technique

 Raise your hand if you've ever felt like your hand was on fire after playing a bunch of barre chords...

I know I'm not the only one!

What if I told you there was a better way? I'm going to show you a proven method to finally learn how to play the guitar with a relaxed technique.

With the help of previous teachers and one of...

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Ear Training 101: My Favorite Ear Training App

 Most ear training apps are just... bad.

Ever since I started teaching arranging and ear training myself, I've been on a quest to find the perfect ear training app to recommend to my students...

And I think I've found it!

Most ear training programs rely heavily on teaching you how to recognize "intervals," which I never really agreed with....

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The "Free Solo" Mindset - How To Practice Guitar Like A Pro

I'm gonna be honest, most of us just don't practice right... I adopted a specific mindset in my guitar practice about a year or 2 ago that drastically improved the quality of my practice.

I call it the "Free Solo" mindset.

You might be surprised to hear that this mindset is inspired by rock climbing, of all things, and is named after...

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